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The STREAM benchmark is considered an important benchmark for understanding the memory bandwidth and access latency of a particular computer. This benchmark was conceptualized in the 1995 paper by John McCalpin.

Machine Balance

At the heart of the benchmark lies a definition of ‘machine balance’. Previous to STREAM, machine balance was simply defined as the number of floating point operations per clock cycle to the number of memory operations per clock cycle. This is known as the ‘balance’ since it shows the time taken for executing useful work (floating point operations) vs. work that is absolutely necessary for performing the useful work but is always a bottleneck in performance (memory access latency).

However, this definition fails to capture the complexity of hierarchical memory structures that use multiple layers of cache and parallelization strategies such as pipelining and prefetching. This is because the number of floating point operations per cycle can greatly vary depending on the location of the data that is being operated on. The peak will be reached when the data resides in registers, whereas for data being accessed from memory, the number of cycles taken to execute a single floating point operation will be much higher due to latency.

If this is the case, one might wonder why taking an average of this simple definition is not adequate since working with a long-enough array will engage the registers and the RAM too, and should give an estimate of the average number of floating point ops per cycle.

The STREAM benchmark refines the definition of ‘machine balance’ and defines it as the PEAK floating point operations per cycle divided by the number of sustained memory operations per cycle.

STREAM kernels

The benchmark is broken up into a number of kernels, each employing a different set of instructions per kernel operation.


The STREAM SUM kernel computes a vector operation A(i) = B(i) + C(i). This operation involves 24 bytes of data and 1 floating point addition operation. There are two loads and one store per iteration.


The STREAM TRIAD kernel basically computes a vector operation A(i) = B(i) + s * C(i). This operation involves two loads, one store and one FMA instruction per kernel execution. If vectorized it will perform a number of such kernel operations per loop iteration.

Assuming that we are working with doubles, each iteration uses 24 bytes in reads and writes.

Running the benchmark

The following is the methodology to run STREAM on a A64FX chip used in the FUGAKU supercomputer.

Download the source from here and for FUGAKU use the following compile command using the FUJITSU compiler on a compute node:

fcc -Nclang -O3 -fopenmp -DSTREAM_ARRAY_SIZE=4194304 stream.c

In the above command we set STREAM_ARRAY_SIZE to 4194304 since the STREAM benchmark specifies that the size of each array should be either 4x the size of the sum of the lowest level cache or 1 million, whichever is larger. We are running this test for a single core, so only one of the 4 L2 caches on the chip is used, which is 8 MB. Assuming we’re using doubles, that would be ( 8 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 ) * 4 = 419304.

In order to figure out the single threaded bandwidth performance, set OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 and run the executable. The following are the results on the A64FX:

Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
Copy:           21619.0     0.074010     0.074009     0.074011
Scale:          54700.6     0.029265     0.029250     0.029288
Add:            73861.8     0.032498     0.032493     0.032500
Triad:          64291.6     0.037334     0.037330     0.037337

It can be seen that the TRIAD, which is the most complex of the 4 kernels shows a peak bandwidth utilization of about 64 Gbps for a single core.

Discussion on the results

The above results for the peak memory bandwidth are only for demonstrating the peak achievable memory bandwidth for certain kernels. In practice such speeds are usually never reached.

In the STREAM paper, Dr. McCalpin says that the TRIAD benchmark is the standard used for calculating the machine balance of the system. Why use the TRIAD even though ADD seems to be utilizing more bandwidth on a single core?

Useful links
